Sunday, May 29, 2011

GGC is now over !

But something thats certainly not over is our game Overkill. The jury liked it and thats fun and all, but the public loved it and we got awarded with the Public´s choise award! Around 60 other projects were competing for the same price so we had a little competition.  The majority of the visitors clearly liked our idea and we are very thankful for all the positive response and feedback we got during the exhibition. The demo level of the game worked very well during these two days and the only thing i think was a little sad is that we didnt manage to fix the multiplayer part of the game to work well enought to show it on the floor. It would have made the game even more whop ass awesome. Now im going to take it easy for a few days to kick back and relax. Bye for now!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The goal in the distant future is not so distant anymore

We have been working like little ants with the game the last week before Gotland Game Conference. Teddy, one of our programmers  is back after working with another game for a time, and our splendid composer Tarras (that obviously is working on the sounds and music) has come over here to Gotland to reinforce our lines in the struggle towards the deadline.  There is just one more day to go and tomorrow is likely going to be a very very long day, but im looking forward to it. There is alot of things that happends right now, and as the pieces start fitting together the game shapes up more and more. It is an exiting time, and also an exhausting time, but it is with joy im looking forward to the oncoming weekend!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Sorry, entschuldigung och förlåt!

I haven't been updating anything here for a very loooong time, but to be honest it wasn't as fun as i thought it would be to have a blog =). But tonight i am in i very good mood so i thought ill post a screen for all of you anticipating gamers. I have been working with everything i said before, bloodspats, gui stuff and inventory. Last week i have been trying to squeeze it in with the other programmers work. I find the gameplay, as it is right now, pretty relaxing, and the screenshot is from a little Overkill zen meditation. Hope you enjoy it as much as i do.